I start by tempering some Dove dark chocolate. Remember, tempering is the process that will allow you to shape and mold chocolate, with the end result having a nice shine, a crisp snap....you can not achieve this with melting, unless you are using fake chocolate (flavored animal fat)

...this process takes about 20 minutes, so while it's tempering, Ill move along to the next step....making the peanut butter filling. It is simply peanut butter and powdered sugar....

whipped with a hand mixer until it is fluffy...

I made some small peanut butter cups for my kids, using foil candy wrappers....

For My Honey, it's the grande size! I used silicone cupcake molds....

Now, once the chocolate is tempered, I will fill each cup about 1/2 way. You can use a brush to spread the chocolate, I use my fingers, as it's just easier for me to make sure I get every crevice covered. I make sure that all the ridges are filled.
I then pipe in the peanut butter mixture, filling about 2/3 of the cups.....

Once they are stuffed full of the peanut butter mixture, I add more tempered chocolate, making sure to cover them completely...

This entire process took less than 45 minutes. Now I'll pop them into the fridge for about 30 minutes, to make sure they solidify, and soon I'll have a very happy husband!

ooh yum! i'm a fellow chocolatier out of Indiana:) love this blog!!